Why You Should Have your Air Conditioning System Professionally Installed in Champaign
Once you have professional air conditioning installation performed, you may never think about it being there again. On the other hand, if your new AC unit was installed wrong, you will probably encounter various problems, and could regret the air conditioning installation altogether. In fact, according to a recent NIST study, you could see your utility bill increase as much as 30% if the air conditioner is installed faultily, and you could face repeated and costly repairs, or even a full on failure of the entire AC unit. Keeping the following tips in mind will guarantee that your air conditioner installation is done right the first time.
Air conditioners come in a variety of sizes that must be properly designed for each individual home. Choosing the right size air conditioner is one of the first, and most crucial steps you’ll make in ensuring you get optimum performance out of your air conditioner. Buying a bigger AC system than your home needs won’t increase its efficiency and could end up costing more in the end. However, buying a smaller system than your home needs won’t save you money either. To determine the right size air conditioner that is an appropriate fit for your home, the AC contractor must perform a heating and cooling load calculation. This important assessment considers the home’s unique area of windows, roofs and walls and calculates the appropriate size air conditioner the home requires.
Restricted airflow is another very common problem that can occur when air conditioning installation has been completed improperly. It can be caused by leaky ducts or blockages within the system. This means that only a reduced amount of the air getting pushed through your AC system is reaching your home, resulting in the air conditioner running harder and longer than is healthy.
Sustained improper use of your air conditioner could turn into an early demise for your system. That’s why the most important thing you can do to see that you don’t have to deal with any of these problems is to hire an air conditioning installation expert from Service Experts Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing to complete your air conditioning installation quickly and professionally. Are you ready to set up air conditioning installation? Call the the U.S. AC experts at Service Experts Heating, Air Conditioning & Plumbing or schedule an appointment online.